HEALTH & LIFESTYLE, BEAUTY: Minoxidil or Sesame Oil?

The FDA approved hair loss treatment Minoxidil can be put to bed with the re-introduction of a natural oil, Sesame Oil.

The culprit that is commonly associated with female pattern hair loss and male pattern hair loss is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or those suffering androgenetic alopecia.

Women who are testosterone-dominant can highly experience acne, and hair loss, which is stimulated when the testosterone converts to DHT.


In recent times, Minoxidil has been known to be one of the most effective treatments in causing hair re-growth. However, the drug only works as long as it is continuously used which can pose many side effects with long term use as it is an antihypertensive agent. This can result in the stimulation of secreting catecholamine from its antihypertensive action.[1]

Sesame Oil, similarly with olive oil is a compound to be effective in preventing the production of DHT. This oil is able to reduce the amount of 5-a-Reductase in the body, and consequently reduce the amount of DHT being produced.

Sesame oil can be ingested and is commonly used in cooking, yet it has also been proved to be effective when topically applied.

Sesame Oil as effective as Minoxidil?

Keimyung University conducted a clinical research in 2010[2], where the first group of mice received topical applications of saline, the second group received topical applications of 3% Minoxidil and the third group received topical applications black sesame oil. This was applied once a day, six days per week.

They found the topical application of black sesame oil for the three-week study resulted in rapid acceleration of hair regrowth when compared to the group of mice who received saline topical application, and the results in the black sesame oil group were comparable with the 3% Minodixil group.

This suggests that Sesame Oil is as effective as the Minoxidil drugs without the serious side-effects, and therefore in the long term is adding health benefits to the user.

How to use Sesame Oil for Hair Growth:

For effective results, sesame oil is best applied topically to the scalp, focusing on sparse areas. Using the fingertips, the oil should be gently massaged in circular motions to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, and to ensure the oil is penetrated into the skin.

Extra tip: It is best to leave it on the scalp overnight and rinsing it in the morning to allow maximum time for the scalp to absorb the oil. This will also moisturise the scalp, and form a protective barrier, including UV filtering benefits.

How long does it take to see significantly effective results?

Six months is the best time period to judge significant results. The treatment of Minoxidil usually takes four-six months to see significant results as with many supplements and treatments.



[2] – Journal of Biomedical Research

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